company . Even before the evalua on begins , we know , hiring a management company could increase the maintenance fees upwards of $ 400 a month or $ 1200 per quarter as opposed to the current $ 575 .
Owners elect board members to manage the community in the manner that those elected think best . Confron ng or harassing board members for the way they handle the community ’ s affairs — even though there is no specific wri en rule prohibi ng harassment of board members — can be considered a viola on of the spirit and intent of the bylaws .
There are many ac vi es , details , and obliga ons performed by a few volunteers . Some homeowners have served on the board and commi ees and have been exposed to the level of me and effort it takes to run the community . Some ac vi es from last week alone were interviewing new pool companies , mee ng with pest control , reviewing architectural requests , a ending to financial repor ng , helping a homeowner with personal needs , picking up their maintenance check because they had car trouble , and ge ng a discounted rate from a vendor . That doesn ’ t include what other volunteer board members were working on . The good thing is you don ’ t have to be doing those things because you elected the board to do them . They ’ re not looking for gold stars just an awareness it takes me and effort to make these things happen .
That ’ s not to say if you were a board member or commi ee member , you shouldn ’ t speak up . You already know how hard it can be . All homeowners have the right to express their opinion , for example sta ng that he or she does not feel the board is managing the Associa on ’ s affairs properly or is not spending money wisely . However , a homeowner does not have the right to accuse board members of anything more unless they have actual proof . A line is typically crossed when frustra on boils over and results in exaggerated conten ons , dubious conspiracy theories , and an expressed desire to upset the associa on ' s processes , opera ons , and peaceful living .
It is very difficult to find people to run for the board as evidenced by the last few elec ons . Board members don ’ t sign as a volunteer and give homeowners access to their phone or email to be abused or have that courtesy abused . Board members each have the discre on to no longer respond to text messages or emails sent to personal devices . All communica ons should go through the office . There are alterna ve ways to communicate issues , like going directly to the appropriate commi ee and a ending commi ee mee ngs .