members and their authorized representa ves . Any request for such records should be asked according to the statutes an HOA is required to follow 720.303 ( 5 )( a ).
The bo om line is ; requests are to be honored within 10 business days a er receipt of a wri en request submi ed by cer fied mail , return receipt requested .
Sa sfying this request involves the par cipa on and many hours of volunteers , the president , secretary , finance chair , board members , and paid services by our a orneys , accountants , and office personnel . The documents are submi ed to our a orney and his office sets the loca on , date , and me for the inspec on .
The stated goal for this request is to get every document this place has . This request will cost the community many volunteer hours , office personnel me , and expenses , and may cost a minimum of $ 3500 for paid services .
4 . The next accusa on is concerning the recording of board mee ng minutes , that they are not being recorded properly with assump ons about what should be included .
As verified by our a orney , HOA mee ng minutes are an official record of the ac ons taken by board members at a board mee ng . Mee ng minutes should be brief and reflect the ac ons taken at a mee ng--not a transcript of what was said and opinions expressed .
In addi on to what was already men oned , based on last month ’ s board mee ng alone some homeowners believe the following should be added to board responsibili es :
● Monitor MLS lis ngs for errors and omissions . An example complaint was about a real estate agent who noted this is a pet-friendly community and asked what are we going to do about it . The answer is nothing . We have no obliga on to monitor and correct MLS lis ngs . Following the logic ; if they get as far as an interview , they will have wasted me and money if they have a pet that doesn ’ t fall under what we ’ re legally responsible to consider .
● Inves gate all homeowners to see if they have a business
○ Confirm if the businesses are registered / licensed business with SunBiz
○ Make sure they ' re paying their taxes
W e are a self-managed Associa on . H iring a management company has been evaluated in the past and the recent increases in threats , in mida on a empts , and insults of board members could make it necessary to again consider hiring a management