Pine Tree Village Newsletter October 2022(clone) | Page 15

issues not to be confused or conflated and were addressed and responded to as separate issues .
a . Flags are governed by FLA § 720.304.2 ( b ) and there are certain protected flags we need to allow .
b . Signs - rule from the Pine Tree Village Rules and Regula ons No " For Sale " or " For Rent " signs or other displays or adver sing shall be maintained or permi ed on any part of the Residences or Parcels except for a display of a sign from a contractor for security services .
Bo om line from our a orney : A community Associa on ’ s sign restric ons apply to poli cal signs .
2 . Another homeowner against homeowner complaint regarding a business opera ng in Pine Tree Village . There was a complaint against one business - there are many businesses in PTV .
What is a business and how many are in PTV that fit this descrip on ? The business defini on refers to the efforts and ac vi es undertaken by individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit .
We contacted our a orney , who advised us a home business is permi ed to operate in the Associa on , so long as it does not affect the residents with increased traffic , noise , or otherwise , cons tute a nuisance .
We conclude that merely engaging in an " occupa on ," without more , is not a viola on of the deed restric ons . There must be a showing that the occupa on in ques on is or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood . It is not the board ’ s responsibility to monitor or correct any viola ons of local , county , state , or federal licenses , rules , or laws that occur outside the Associa on ' s covenants , bylaws , rules , and regula ons .
3 . Request for documents from the Associa on
Any request for the produc on of records falls under the responsibility of the Associa on secretary . As the custodian of the minutes and the other official records of the Associa on , the secretary is responsible for ensuring access to those records by