Pine Tree Village Newsletter October 2022(clone) | Page 14

Recently some issues , complaints , and accusa ons have been presented to members of the board . We take these concerns seriously and have sought and received counsel where necessary along with research of Florida State Statutes . Homeowners are welcome and encouraged to obtain counsel , an advisor , or an HOA expert for any ques ons , clarifica ons , or advice to help with any of the issues .
These issues were brought to the board , not ini ated by the board resul ng in ac ons taken on the advice of counsel or other official means . We present them here so that all homeowners are aware of the issues and the board ’ s mely response .
When issues are presented , we do our best to answer each one . Most of the me , the president , other board members , and commi ee members know the background , and what steps have been or are being taken to address the issue .
For issues of homeowners complaining about other homeowners , Associa ons have an affirma ve obliga on to intervene to make sure the Associa on is not in viola on of state , federal , or fair housing laws . Even though the issues were presented by a couple of homeowners , the en re membership should be made aware of them .
Leaving the landscaping issues aside , since those are 90 % of the complaints , the following are recent issues with the first two ( 2 ) being homeowner complaints against other homeowners .
1 . Flags vs signs - a homeowner presented the issue of poli cal signs being displayed in the community and wanted the board to take ac on . The board ’ s ac on was the result of a homeowner complaint , not an issue ini ated by the board . The board responded by reminding homeowners who were displaying poli cal signs what the language in our Rules and Regula ons states on this issue . Please note flags and signs are two separate