PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 59

What about PicsArt made it easy for you guys to get to know each other and connect? Paolo: It's not easy for us to communicate through Picsart especially when there's a seven-hours time difference. PicsArt was the only way to communicate with each other at first and it was a bit hard to wait for Lily to reply to my comments. Every picture we have posted tells how our love story began. The best thing is that Lily trusted me from the time we started. Our relationship was built on trust and respect and that’s one of the many things I love about us. Tell us about your professional background and shared interests. Paolo: I have a degree in Industrial Design, since 2000 I have worked with architects, photographers, multimedia and advertising agencies. I taught 2D and 3D graphics softwares for years which is why I love posting tutorials on my gallery! I'm a freelancer now. Lily: There's not much about me. I was only a 2nd year BS/BA Marketing student. And I became a mom of a beautiful daughter. Being a mom is the best profession. Then I worked in a cell phone repair and accessories shops. I know a bit about fixing software problems of cellphones. Life in the Philippines is hard so I decided to apply for work here in Hong Kong. We love photography, art, nature, architecture,food, fashion, music. I'm a hip-hop dancer and I love singing. Paolo: I love cooking oriental food too, even though I think Italian food is one of the best in the world. I was a DJ and I love playing piano. We have a lot of fun… When did you decide to actually meet in person? Lily: We planned to meet during Christmas time last year and Paolo wanted to spend his birthday with me but sadly I was not given days off from work. Then we set a date again last Chinese New Year, the first week of February. And I was glad that my employer allowed me to take a week off from work. This was the very first and the most important step for us. PicsArt Monthly | 59