PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 58

@daffylaye How did you two meet? Paolo: I saw Lily’s pictures on the Interesting Section and was amazed by them, so I started following her... She used to post beautiful sky snaps combined with skyscrapers. I loved her style and captions, so I chose a photo to leave a comment on. She had a lot of followers already, I knew it was hard but I hoped she noticed me among them. I wanted to know more about her and wanted to be a part of her world. Actually I wasn't flirting, because I don't like meeting people online. But it happened, and since the first notes I felt something that was more than admiration, friendship and curiosity. Day by day, comment by comment I was falling in love with Lily :) Lily: I noticed Paolo on the #GDbookcover contest when he commented and I