PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 57

Paolo, what about you? How did you start using PicsArt? Paolo: Well, I bought my first smartphone one year ago and even though I have been using computers since I was a teenager (I'll turn 40 next December!) I didn’t know too much about applications... I was looking for a photo-editing app. I heard about PicsArt surfing on the web and I downloaded it on Play Store. I love PA because it's complete and I can unleash my creativity just holding my phone! I am used to enhancing and composing digital images on Photoshop and it's a great challenge for me that I can still compose images through PicsArt only, on a mobile screen! I was surprised when I found out that this app is also a wonderful community of artists and photographers all over the world, such a big family. Most importantly I found Lily, my love...a real love in a virtual world. PicsArt Monthly | 57