PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 56

Interview with Lily and Paolo How Two PicsArtists Fell in Love Lily and Paolo are PicsArt users from different corners of the world, who met each other and fell in love right here in the PicsArt community. What started as sharing art and commenting has grown into a full-blown romance between Lily, who lives in Hong Kong, and Paolo, who lives in Rome. We asked them to share more of their story with us in an interview. Lily replied “Me and Paolo would love to share our love story and we thank you for this beautiful gift for us.” Here is our interview with Lily and Paolo. Lily, how did you get started on PicsArt and what did you like most about it? @daffylaye Lily: I was looking for a photo editor app when I saw Picsin… the old version. I used it to edit pics to post on Facebook, then uninstalled it for a while because there was not enough memory on my old phone. I decided to install it again when it was no longer Picsin, but rather PicsArt. I still used it to edit pics to post on Facebook because I didn’t know that it was also a community for artists and photographers. I found out that you can connect to other artists all over the world when I tried to post a pic and saw the “Share with PicsArt” option. I was surprised at how many notifications and new followers I started to get. I was not that active of a user at that time because I was using my old phone which had a bad quality camera. When I got my new phone, I started taking better photos and posting more. I met some Filipino artists in the community and they encouraged me to stay on the app. I don't like the app. I LOVE the app because I found out that there is an artist in me. I didn't know how my imagination worked until I got PicsArt. The best of the best photo editing. For me it's a complete app. I was not looking for love in this app but love caught me off guard and took me by surprise. They say that love finds you when you least expect it and now I believe it to be true, because when I had given up hope God gave me His blessing by sending me Paolo. 56 | PicsArt Monthly