PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 60

Paolo: It was indescribable! Words are not enough to explain how I felt when I saw Lily for real. I left Rome early in the morning. I had to face a very long flight to Hong Kong, almost 12 hours, but I was so excited that I didn't sleep and watched movies all night long! I was so tired and my legs were aching because of my height, but when the plane landed all the pain and tiredness turned into an immense joy. We were doing something we had dreamt of. Our first meeting, our "first hug", our "first kiss" even if we blew kisses so many times already. Finally I was there, a few meters from her. I just wanted to hold her tight and after passport check I was looking around, I couldn’t see her. I wandered slowly turning my head until I saw my Lily with a beautiful smile upon her face coming to me, and I heard her voice without microphones, earphones, headset...whatever! It was just Paolo and Lily, just us. Those were the best days of my life. If a picture is worth a thousand words, those days would paint a thousand pictures. @paolomore What was it like when you first saw each other in person? Lily: I was there at the arrival area waiting for him. I felt excited and worried at the same time. Excited because I finally got to see Paolo and hug him in person. Worried for some "what if's." What if Paolo didn't like me in person? Then I got a message from him "Honey ko I'm here :)" and my heart started beating triple speed. I checked my appearance and fixed my hair, then I saw him coming out. My heart skipped a beat. I can't explain what I felt when I saw him. Mixed emotions. He was walking with his head turning around looking for me. But I was walking a distance from him, staring at him, smiling. Still he hasn’t seen me yet because there was a man standing between us, but when he finally saw me, he said "Hooonneeeyyy kooooo!!!”(my honey). We hugged each other so tight, with a hug that we had been wanting for so long. Our first kiss was unexplainable and unforgettable! And I so loved when he hugged me and kissed me on my forehead... the sweetest gesture ever! We stayed that way for a while feeling like we were the only people in the airport at that time. And so started the best days of our lives. How long have you been together now? Paolo: We’ve been together 7 months now. 7 months of voice calls and video calls not just an hour everyday but almost all day and night. Even if Lily is sleeping I'm still here with my phone hearing her breathing. It sounds like a beautiful melody in my ears. And I can say the bond between us is stronger than any couple. 60 | PicsArt Monthly