The care and quality of water are fundamental for the human maintenance, development and well-being. The access to safe water is one of the most important and effectives instruments in health. Water is one of the most important resources in the earth, because we use it for almost everything.
The water quality depends on knowing the current, and desired, uses of particular waterways. Any use of water has the potential to pollute. We have different water quality objectives for different water uses. Domestic water supplies for human consumption need to be of a higher quality than water used for livestock. Recreational activities such as swimming and windsurfing need water to be of a much higher quality than water used for cooling machinery in industrial processes. Diffuse pollutant discharges are difficult to manage because they're so widespread.
The actions that we can do to preserve water are plenty because can be preserved in some many ways, because we need this resource to survive and for our daily life, some actions that we can do are: