The water care, water can be care in so many ways and in so many places and with certain actions we can contribute to take advantage of it. With actions like:
•When your family washes clothes, be sure that the washer has a full load.
•When your family washes dishes, be sure that there is a full load in the dishwasher, or fill the sink with water to wash the dishes.
•Take shorter showers.
•Take shallow baths.
•Shut off the water when you are brushing your teeth and washing your hands.
•Keep a jug of water in the refrigerator so that you don't need to let the water run.
•Tell your parents or teacher if some faucet is leaking at home or at school.
•Don't use your toilet as a wastepaper basket.
•Always, always shut off the faucet when you are finished using the water
•Don't put anything in streams, lakes, and rivers that should not be there.
•Don't pour chemicals down the drain or on the ground.
•Don't pour chemicals down the storm sewer.
•Use soaps and detergents carefully.