Who humans contribute to the environmental pollution through the production of gases that are responsible of acid rain? It is called acid rain that is formed when the humidity of the air is combined with nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide or sulfur trioxide emitted by factories, power plants, heating boilers and vehicles that burn coal or petroleum products that contain sulfur. In interaction with rainwater, these gases form nitric acid, sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid. Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. Human activities are the main cause of acid rain. Power plants emit most of the sulfur dioxide and many of the nitrogen oxides when they burn fossil fuels, such as coal, to produce electricity. In addition, the exhaust from cars, trucks and buses also emits nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in the air. These pollutants produce acid rain.
We can reduce it using alternative energy sources, such as batteries, solar and wind power, electricity and the like. Fossil fuel emissions cause pollution and acid rain and are expensive and non-renewable. Another great source of energy is human energy, consider walking or cycling to work or school. Educate other people If you know people that you consider gasoline eaters, talk to them. A person can make a difference, think about the phrase: "Well, if I can do it, they can do it". Plant a tree. The tree will absorb a part of the polluted air and release a clean and fresh oxygen. Do not leave lights on. Do not leave the lights on after leaving a room or when you can get natural light. Write to your town hall or congress to initiate a demand that pushes towards diminishing coal power plants, coal is one of the dirtiest sources of energy.
The impact of hydrocarbons on the production of electricity is that the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing alarmingly during the last decades, due to industrial development. On the other hand it is known that increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere increases the energy remaining in the earth from the sun, and this is done in the form of heat, this effect is known as the greenhouse effect, it is caused by transparency of CO2, which on the one hand allows solar radiation to pass better and on the other, causes a greater retention of IR radiation emitted from the earth.
What would happen if we don´t have access to electrical energy? If we would lost access to electrical energy, we would have to go with alternatives energies, and we would experiment maybe one of the biggest crisis that the humanity had ever experiment in decades or even centuries. Because we totally relay on electrical energy for all our activities, and example of this is this project we use electrical energy to make the magazine, to charge the laptop, for the internet, etc. Our life is totally dependent of electrical energy and if we lost it we would lost almost everything, and I’m 90% sure that the “apocalypses” will begin.
The human the daily life- style is one of the main reasons in the impact of the care and quality of water. There are two types the direct causes and the indirect ones.
The direct causes are: dumping, industrial runoff, agricultural runoff, chemical runoff, landfills, plastics, construction runoff, batteries.
The Indirect causes are: Domestic city sewage, septic systems, too many nutrients, hormones and antibiotics, leaks and spills, fossil fuels, mining, etc.
There exist a garbage collection of reasons because of the humans are wasting this priceless resource and the world with it.