Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 30
Israelowitz M
The conflict between Joseph in their brothers can be summarise, by Joseph given to Joseph,
his own mantle, he had quelled through his live to achieved Tikun—the original sin man brake
the unity of the universe, by dispersing the will of GD,
destroy this united, the entre reason
for humanity to established the original state. 37
Jacob choice Joseph to be the one, for Jacob, it was not just about to achieved the ideal state,
but to avoid the exile—because the sorrows of the exile, is not about the tears but the
struggle—the struggle. 38
Jacob, owns experience with the struggle with the Angel (Peniel) 39 and other consideration
the conflict between Esau and Jacob, who have the mantle of redemption for Esau the use of
force can achieved unity, every soul become the single soul of Adam 40 where Jacob believed
redemption can achieved by metaphysical experienced. 41
The metaphysical experience Jacob saw only Joseph, able to connect the commandment as
mediums for the redemption. The redemption is to achieve the unity.
While Exodus with the hand of G´D, did not soften the experience of slave, because slave lost
humanity, the redemption can no give what it’s lost or what it’s lost can never be the same.
The tradition said the acceptance was in Purim because the inner-self manifested. 43
Joseph not just had a prophesy, but he understood, to achieved unity was through a
Metaphysical experience, but Joseph had limitation, while achieved pinnacle, Joseph could
not achieve this unity by able to bring the upper manifestations with lower manifestations. 44
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, pp.135-140
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, pp.140-144
Idel Moshe, 1988. Kabbalah: New perspective, Yale University Press, pp.151-152
Other interpretation, Maimonides the struggle was with prophetic vison (Loades, Ann; McLain, Michael, eds.
1992. Wrestling with the Angel: A Study in Historical and Literary Interpretation. and Rashi the struggle with
Esau angel—Samael (Schwartz Howard, Ginsburg Elliot K , 2006. Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism
(illustrated, reprint, annotated ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 359
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, pp.152-165
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, p.166
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, pp.165-168
Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, pp.168-170