Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 31

Joseph Tunic Colour: A Metaphor in Kabbalah The emanations are spill from the top to the lower manifestations and the they are in exchange from the lower to upper manifestations, this exchange become unity. 45 But need achieve this interaction needs a freewill between lower and upper. 46 Free will is a desired where and wants. A conscious decision to let possibilities, they are not under control to be part of this flow, and only when in the realm of possibilities are included unity is achieve—redemption. 47 The exchange only can be possible, when every part has awareness and not enough parts, but awareness. 48 Joseph brothers ask, the single individual, with upbringing of privilege will know about redemption, where redemption only can happen through struggle of existence—the understanding of pain—lost can give redemption. 49 This was the conflict, how anyone who cannot just understanding the manifestations, but the inter-exchange of the flow, to achieve redemption, and fundamentally to alter the awareness of the universe itself. 50 While destiny take Joseph slave, since the brothers wanted to show redemption means exile— only the sense of not belonging can redemption could be achieved. 51 The conflict was base Joseph saw redemption was not universal, will never be able to achieved original, where the brothers saw redemption, to restore the original state. 52 44 Idel Moshe, 1988. Kabbalah: New perspective, Yale University Press, pp.122-128 Idel Moshe, 1988. Kabbalah: New perspective, Yale University Press, p. 148 46 Idel Moshe, 1988. Kabbalah: New perspective, Yale University Press, pp.144-146 47 Idel Moshe, 1998. Messianic Mystics, Yale University Press, pp.44-47 48 Sholem G, 1978. Kabbalah, A Meridian Book, p. 51 49 Idel Moshe, 1998. Messianic Mystics, Yale University Press, pp.44-47 50 Idel Moshe, 1998. Messianic Mystics, Yale University Press, p. 49 51 Idel Moshe, 1998. Messianic Mystics, Yale University Press, pp.44-47 52 Idel Moshe, 1998. Messianic Mystics, Yale University Press, pp.44 45 31