Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 28
Israelowitz M
The consequences were early development of Genocide in Namibia 22 and the creation of
ethnic groups as an imperial policy. 23 One characteristic of xenophobia, when the local elite,
begin to loss of power due to interconnectivity, Arendt point the Anti-Semitic of the 19 th
century was not just only due to religious competition between the chosen, or who hold the
truth or have access to God. 24
When the Jews lost their functionality, as bankers, since Christianity wanted to kept the Jews
as outsiders, but submission, there is no accident the rules dealing with the Jews re codify in
Adulterous rules, or the insisted by the Roman Catholic Church to identify the Jews by the
colour Yellow, since the colur identify prostitutes and adulterous. 25
The introduction of an economic imperialism in the 19 th Century, since the model as based
progress per sake, without any other consideration, where the motherland become the sources
and the colonies economics become specializes for the centre, of course the relationship is
based on financiers who capitalized this enterprise, the profit based in colony the production
is cost less or the commodity only can be found in this specific region. 26
Many Pan Movements of the late 19 th century, created transnational ideologies based on
Religion, ethnic and culture, while the first transnational structures where not based on an
economic need, but believe structure, inherent by Byzantium, the Roman Catholic Church and
the Islamic Caliphate. 27
The Christian experience from a cult off shut from Judaism, where what differentiated from
Judaism as the fact the only idea for hope, cannot be gave by the mortality of Man, but the
infinity God.
Evans, RJ, 2015. The Third Reich In History And memory, Little Brown, pp. 3-13
Ibid., pp. 14-24
Israeelowitz M, 2016. The Historical Origin of Antesimitism, Gustav-Launder Press, pp.
Cohen Mark R, 1994. Under Crescent & Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages, Princeton University Press, pp.
Arendt OT, pp. 147-155
Arendt OT, pp. 222-226