Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 27
Joseph Tunic Colour: A Metaphor in Kabbalah
Goodwin in Enquired Concerning Political Justices, 14 he consider a fundamental the poverty
is slavery, since slavery is a transactional relationship of control by forcing someone to give
his own individual freedom, submitted to an not equal relationship, where the one with the
less, subjected not for better life, but the fact just survival.
Spinoza in ethics differenced the social convection and individual choice,
the first is
morality what society consider acceptable, meaning come from what the social cohesion of
the group, on the other hand, the individual choice, the conscious, the aggregation of the
individual experiences, the soul, the ethics. 16
The idea of not having is not just about material wealth been, but the fundamentally is about
access, who in the society is the gate keeper and defined who has this access. Arendt in Origin
Totalitarianism, the introduction of French Aristocrat Comte de Boulaivilliers introduced the
concept of historical deed 17 (while others consider the introduction Aristocrat nationalism to
Francois Hoffma sixteen century author Franco-Galicia 18 ), the reason why this type elitism
did not hold with French population while in the time because the Aristocrats claim of
German extract which subjugate the Gallus, but another Comte Dubuat-Nancay, want the
Aristocrats to be a family introduced the concept of blood lines. 19
For Prussia, the introduction of race nationalism was based to fight a foreign invader. 20 The
solution gave finally a long goal the unification of Germany as a race nation and in the
mixture of Imperialism. 21
Godwin William, 2015. Enquiry Concerning political Justice, Penguin Classic, p. 28, pp. 29-30, p. 650
Spinoza Baruch, 1982. The Ethics and Selected Letters, Hackett Publishing Company
Arendt, p 162
Arent, p162 footnote 7
Arendt p163
Arendt p. 165
Evans R J, 2016. The Pursuit of Power Europe 1815-1914, Penguin—Random House, pp. 641-665