Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-I-2016 | Page 48
Israelowitz M
Derrida and the Talmud
The Talmud logical system is describe by Rabbi Ishmael, 13 principles, 91 where the
internal consistence to derive the law based on this internal logic-a principal is the Torah and
by extend the Talmud is self-contain, express there is nothing outside the Torah 92 —following
Solomon Ecclesiastes there is nothing new under the Sun. 93 Derrida in Grammatology
specially pick, to say the languages itself is the beginning and the end, 94,95 where it’s more
than deconstruction. Cunningham, Derrida Before the Law, compares Benjamin only the
translatable as not translated. 96,97
Derrida and the Kabbalah
Derrida, while he was Jew from Algeria, his identity percolated in his writing,
Cioux, 98 describe him as a secret Jew. Derrida in Cicumfession, itself I am kind Marrano of
French Catholic culture …. I am kind of Marrano who no longer say they are Jews even in
the secret of their own hearts, 99 but the same token shows an attachment to his tallith 100 from
his youth—preserving his identity with himself, he is the same contain book, he is the self-
Sion, Avi 2010. Talmudic Hermeneutics". In Schumann, Andrew. Logic in religious discourse. Frankfurt, M.
[i.e.] Heusenstamm [u.a.]: Ontos-Verl. pp 105
, Talmud Babatra 130b
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Derrida of Grammatology, 1976, The John Hopkins University Prees, Baltimore and London , picks this idea,
pp 15-16, quoting Levines about Rabbi Eliezer the art of writing and Descartes book of nature.
Idel in Absorbing perfections : Kabbalah and interpretation, 2001, pp-122, point out the Rabbi Menachem
Ricanti in the fourteen century: All the sciences altogether are hinting in the Torah, because there is nothing
outside Her …….Therefore, the Holy One, blesse be He, is nothing that is outside the Torah, and the Torah is
nothing outside that is outside Him, and this is the reason why the sages of Kabbalah said the Holy One, blessed
be He, is the Torah
Cunningham, 2007. Derrida Before the Law, The Glass No 19 pp 17-28.
Benjamin, 1978. Reflections Essays, Aphorisms, Autographical Writings, pp-314-332, Schocken Books
Helene Ciroux 2002, Portrait de Jacques Derrida en Jeune Saint Juif, Galilee
Jacques Derrida (Religion and Postmodernism), 1999 p 160.
Derrida, 1996, A Silkworm of Ones Owns, p343, Edinburgh University Press.