Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-I-2016 | Page 47

Derrida, Kabbalah, Talmud and the Post-Modernism Politics undecidable, it destabilizes the original decision that instituted the hierarchy. 79 After the redefinition of the previously term, Derrida usually changes the term's as an orthography, for example, writing différence with an as différance in order to indicate the change in its status 80 or new difference. Derrida utilized the definition from Heidegger's use of destruction in Being and Time, 81 ,82 (Heidegger’s-philosophy describes by Farias 83 as tool of propaganda in his need to become the Philosopher for the Nazis-his works just become a political tool 84 and all this before his black book). 85 Derrida means with deconstruction by recalling Descartes's First Meditation 86 - Descartes says that for a long time he has been making mistakes. Criticism of his former beliefs both mistaken and valid aims towards uncovering a firm and permanent foundation. The image of a foundation implies that the collection of his former beliefs resembles a building. 87 Derrida, foundation is not a unified self but a divisible limit between my-self and my -self as. 88 Derrida classical definitions of deconstruction, is the disappearance of the truth in the text. 89 For Derrida deconstruction like in the case of Nietzsche criticizing is Plato opposite’s. 90 79 Ibid., Jacques Derrida, 1978. Writing and Difference, The University of Chicago Press. 81 Heidegger, 1962. Being in Time, Harper & Row, Publishers 82 Parsons, A.(2013. Ill-fitting notes on Destruktion and deconstruction. Poiesis and Prolepsis [Blog], 6 October 2013. Available at 83 Farias, 1989. Heidegger And Nazism, Temple University Press 84 Piper, 2007. Alfred Rosenberg: Hitlers Chefideologe, pp-361-362, Pantheon. 85 Paul Hockenos, February 24, 2014, Release of Heidegger’s 'Black Notebooks' Reignites Debate Over Nazi Ideology, In Chronicals of Higher Education 86 Lawlor, L. (2014). Jacques Derrida. In: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Available from [Accessed July 2015]. 87 Descartes Meditations on Phylosophy, in The Raionalist pp112-117, Anchor Books, 1960 88 Derrida's Voice and Phenomenon By Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy Vernon W (Gettysburg College) Cisney, Vernon W. Cisney, pp-108, Edinburgh University Press, 2014 89 Jacques Derrida 1981. Interview with Julia Kristeva in Positions, pp-41-42, The University of Chicago Press 90 Nietzche, Beyond Good and Evil, On The Natural History of Morals Aphorism 191, Penguin Books, 1991 80 47