Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-I-2016 | Page 49

Derrida , Kabbalah , Talmud and the Post-Modernism Politics
contain languages and metaphor . Derrida itself acknowledge how the Jewish identity and experience impacted his life and work . 101 The stories not just end , but begin , despite he try to disconnect by rejecting Haldeman ’ s assertion he , Derrida is a loss son of Judaism , 102 despited his protestation , acknowledge he wrote Judaism theme in oblique way . 103
Two schools about Derrida identity , Wolfson specifically consider Derrida relationship to Kabbalah is conversion not influence , 104 where Idel consider him as Kabbalist . 105 Caputo consider deconstruction in the tradition of Prophesy . 106
Idel consider Kabbalah not just as historiography , 107 while Shalom historical Analysis culminated with a national redemption . 108
For Idel Kabbalah is driven by individual experiences , Kabbalah of Prophesies , Abulaphia individual to debuk to the ruah a kodesh to commute to G-D . 109
Wolfson points out Bloom argue the Derrida difference and trace , where influence by the Hermeneutics of the Kabbalah , 110 Wolfson cite Wolosky 111 and Hadelman 112 , Derrida familiarity with the Jewish Ritual , give Derrida a Hellenistitc Ontotheology , 113 where his knowledge of Levinas 114 express interpretation of the text . For Wolfson the connection
101 Susan Hadelman , 1982 . The Slayers of Moses : The emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation , Albany : State University of New York Press 102 Rötzer , 1986 . Französischie Philosphen im Gespräch , p-74 , Klaus Boer Verlag 103 Ofrat 2001 , Jewish Derrida , p 10 , University of Syracuse Press 104 Wolfson , 2002 . Assaulting the Border : Kabbalistic Traces in the Margins of Derrida , Journal of Academy of
Religion , 70 : 475-514 105 Idel , 2002 . Absorbing Perfections , New Heaven : Yale University Press . 106 Caputo , 1997 . The Prayers and the Tears of Jacques Derrida : Religion without Religion , Bloomington &
Indianapolis : Indiana University Press 107 Ibid ., Idel 2002 Absolving Perfection : Kabbalah and Interpretation , Yale University Press 108 Schalom , 1987 , Origins of the Kabbalah , JPS 109 Idel , 1988 . Kabbalah New Prespectives , p 35-111 , Yale University Press 110 Ibid ., Wolfson , 2002 . Assaulting the Border : Kabbalistic Traces in the Margins of Derrida , Journal of
Academy of Religion , 70 : 475-514 111 Derrida - Edmond Jabes and the Question of the Book , In Writing and the Difference Routledge , 2002 112 Ibid ., Susan Hadelman , 1982 . The Slayers of Moses : The emergence of Rabbinic Interpretation , Albany :
State University of New York Press 113 Ibid ., Wolfson , Assaulting Borders p 489-490 114 Wolfson cities Derrida , Violence and Metaphysics : An essay on the Thought of Emanuel Levinas , Wolfosn
in Assaulting Borders p 490