Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 10

15.4 Inbound Tourism 15.4.1 International arrivals by region 15.4.2 International arrivals by purpose of visit 15.4.3 International arrivals by mode of transport 15.4.4 Number of overnight stays 15.4.5 Total inbound tourism expenditure by category 15.4.6 Average international tourist expenditure by category 15.5 Outbound Tourism Flows 15.5.1 International departures by region 15.5.2 International departures by purpose of visit 15.5.3 International departures by mode of transport Read Complete Report With TOC @ 15.5.4 Number of overnight stays - international trips 15.5.5 Total outbound tourism expenditure by category 15.5.6 Average outbound expenditure per resident by category 15.6 Airlines 15.6.1 Seats available 15.6.2 Seats sold by carrier type - business travel 15.6.3 Seats sold by carrier type - leisure travel 15.6.4 Load factor by carrier type 15.6.5 Passenger kilometers available by carrier type 15.6.6 Revenue-generating passenger kilometers by carrier type 15.6.7 Revenue per passenger by carrier type 15.6.8 Total revenue by carrier type 15.7 Hotels