Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 9

14.5 Company Profile: Fiesta Tours and Travel Corporation 14.5.1 Fiesta Tours and Travel Corporation - company overview 14.5.2 Fiesta Tours and Travel Corporation - main services 14.5.3 Fiesta Tours and Travel Corporation - key employees 15 Market Data Analysis 15.1 Tourism Output 15.1.1 Total tourism output 15.1.2 Direct tourism output 15.1.3 Indirect tourism output 15.1.4 Tourism output per employee Read Complete Report With TOC @ 15.1.5 Direct tourism output per employee 15.1.6 Indirect tourism output per employee 15.2 Tourism Employment 15.2.1 Total tourism employment 15.2.2 Direct tourism employment 15.2.3 Indirect tourism employment 15.2.4 Tourism employee compensation 15.2.5 Total gross income generated by total tourism employment 15.3 Domestic Tourism 15.3.1 Domestic trips by purpose of visit 15.3.2 Number of overnight stays - domestic trips 15.3.3 Total domestic tourist expenditure 15.3.4 Average expenditure per domestic tourist by category