Philippines Travel and Tourism Market Size, Share, Growth & Worldwide Philippines Travel and Tourism Market 2019 | Page 11

15.7.1 Establishments by hotel category 15.7.2 Available rooms by hotel category 15.7.3 Room occupancy rate by hotel category 15.7.4 Room nights available by hotel category 15.7.5 Room nights occupied by hotel category 15.7.6 Average revenue per available room by hotel category 15.7.7 Revenue per occupied room by hotel category 15.7.8 Total revenue per available room by hotel category 15.7.9 Total revenue by hotel category and customer type 15.7.10 Guests by hotel category and customer type 15.8 Car Rentals Read Complete Report With TOC @ 15.8.1 Market value by customer type and rental location 15.8.2 Fleet size 15.8.3 Rental occasions and days 15.8.4 Rental length 15.8.5 Average rental length 15.8.6 Utilization rate 15.8.7 Average revenue per day 15.9 Travel Intermediaries 15.9.1 Market value by product type 15.9.2 Online revenues by type of intermediary or provider 15.9.3 Online revenues by type of tourist 15.9.4 In-store revenues by type of intermediary 15.9.5 In-store revenues by type of tourist