Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 1 | Page 8

“I absolutely believe that I was chosen for this mission. It was interesting and I’ve shared this story many times. One of my students in a class shoved a book into my chest and asked if I had read it, after I told the story about The Box and how I got it. I had not read it at the time. I began reading it on a flight. There was a portion of the book that talked about Thomas Edison speaking to a group of scientists stating that he wasn't able to complete his Telephone to the Dead while he was alive but he was going to complete it through a physical medium. There was going to be another medium that was going to take the device out into the world. That he was not only going to prove that spirit communication was not only a reality but how amazing it really was. I realized that at that moment I was reading a history book and I was in that in that history book without my knowledge. It becomes more amazing everyday.”

One cannot go through things like this and not have struggles in the mundane life. I got a bit of a chuckle out of Mr. Chris Moon when I asked him about how his work and experiences have affected his every day life.

“I’ve never really had a mundane life. I’ve had bits and pieces of it. You know, between touring with bands and work the work I've done with Spirit; even as a child I was an adventure, ghost hunter. I can’t say that I have had a really mundane life but when it comes down it it I tell people, even though I think sometimes it insults people, because there is really a stigma that goes along with being a psychic. They want to see you as a saint. That you spend your down time meditating and speaking to spirit on how to attain a higher level. I tell people that I gamble, I drink, I’ve been the prototypical metal head musician. Aside from the work that I do. I am very normal in a lot of different ways. It can be off putting to some people who want to see me as some sort of saint. I’ve never wanted to been seen as something I’m not. I believe that trying to portray yourself that way, you can be knocked down from that pedestal very very quickly. I really don’t want to be put on that pedestal to begin with. "

Chris Moon has had an amazing physical and spiritual journey through out his entire life. He is not showing any signs of slowing down any time soon. I do believe that The Spirit World chose him to do the work that he does. They knew that he had the spirit, vest, and abilities that not all of us have. Spirit knew that he would be one that would be able the physical and spirital world together. With everything that Chris Moon has been able to do in his life so far; one can only imagine what more there is to come.