Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 1 | Page 9

Phenomenal Encounters

Fans and listeners share their experiences and encounters with the unexplained

If you have an unexplained encounter story and would like to see it featured in Phenomenal Encounters please e-mail katrina the good at [email protected]

Naturally the Jinn is has the ability to know if a

person is afraid of them or not at any given

moment. They can be dangerous and an

unpredictable entity. I used a digital recorder

and was able to capture an EVP that verified to

me that it was definitely a Jinn. So, you may

wonder what Jinn are. Jinn are creatures live

in the same world as we do however, they cannot be seen

in their natural state by normal human eye and that's why

when we use a digital camera to capture their likeness.

They appear as a ghostly white orb that are displayed for

under a second so the Jinn is have the ability to shape shift

as anything they wish; even as humans. Shape shifting into

humans is a rare occurance. The Jinn is different entity than that of angels. They have free will and are able to be good or evil. The ones that choose to be good are simply called Jinn. The ones that choose evil maybe called demons. The scariest paranormal experience I have had was with a Demon Jinn. I was at my location using a digital recorder to communicate with the Jinn. Suddenly the a curtain in the empty home I was in began to move. A moment before the room was completely still. I was overcome with a negative feeling and took it as a sign from the Jinn that I was time for me to leave. As I was leaving the house I spoke aloud the perfect Word of God to protect myself from the Jinn. Later as I was reviewing my pictures and videos I discovered a face watching me behind the curtain that seemed to move on its known. I was scared as this even was happening but seeing the creature’s face peering at me from the curtain pierced my soul with a cold fear that I had never felt before. Since the Jinn live in that same world that we do they can be anywhere at any time and one would never be the wiser. Many researchers have locations that they favor to look for paranormal activity because of a location’s history. However, in the case of the Jinn special or specific locations to seek them out do not exist. When you find yourself in the presence of a Jinn keep two things in mind. One: never provoke a Jinn; once a Jinn becomes known in your life it can make your life more difficult than you ever thought possible. Two: Never trust the Jinn. Although they can be on the side of good they are tricksters. They can play with you and your life for their own entertainment. It is most wise to simply leave a location once you realize that a Jinn is nearby as they will always have the upper hand over you.