Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 1 | Page 7

“We use to know about our Solar System for the longest time. Then there was rumors about potential other plants, solar systems, and galaxies. Now, if you look within the last three to four years that there are a great amount of planets that we know of that are in the ‘Goldilocks zone and be considered habitable places for human life. That's just just telling you that the government has had this knowledge for a very very long time. Now, the only reason they are going through this disclosure is because it is inevitable. "

With all the extensive world that Chris Moon is in. With all that he has collected and experienced over the; what is his ultimate goal in this life? He has already been a successful musician and author. He is a well known speaker and researcher. He has a popular web series on YouTube: The Box Talk Chronicles. He has a podcast with Dee Garcia of the Phenomena Encountered Radio Network. Is there more for him to accomplish? Yes, there is and it far greater and spiritual than mere book sells and views on his YouTube channel.

“It evolves daily. I started out doing this when I was seven years old. At that time my goal was to prove to my skeptic, Catholic father that I really was experiencing things inside of our house; that there really were ghosts. Showing his beyond a shadow of doubt that is the truth. Having him stand up in front of a public crowd and him tell people that I changed his outlook. That was one goal I had in my life. The other goals that I have had was to prove to individuals that not only do spirits exist by they are reaching out to us and attempting to help up us improve this world. Then after I achieved that I started connecting people with the device with their loved ones on the other side. For people to know that there is another world past this one. Now, we are achieving a whole new level of consciousness and awareness for a large group of people. Not just the believers but the extreme skeptics are having experiences through the device as well. It just seems like when I achieve a mental goal the Spirit World through another one at me. I hope to just evolve with The Spirits. That by the time that I leave this earth I made my mark by being able to help as many people as possible. Really further the connection between this physical world and The Spirit World.”

Moon is an amazing person to me. His abilities, his work, and the things that he has experienced his whole life all seems other worldly to me. There is a nagging question in the back of my mind the whole time I was speaking with him. I was debating with myself through out the interview if I should ask him or not. I manage to pluck the nerve to ask: Are there people that the Spirit World choose to do with type of work or does the person choose it?