“I refer to dimension beings. There's many different dimensions that are literally stacked paper thin on top of each other. Just because we cant see those things right then and there doesn't mean that they don't exist. The thought is that many of these inter dimensional beings have existed for millennium, past what we have. They are more the teachers; they are more the angels. Just recently I was doing a new experience to that Thomas Edison had us doing through the Ghost Box that night. It was a water experiment where we would use the device in conjunction with a brass bowl of water. When the Spirit Technicians would tell us to strike the side of the copper bowl, there would be a rapid succession of pictures and we were able to obtain what would be considered inter dimensional or alien beings. The picture looked like a standard depiction of an angel. That was basically telling us that this entity would be considered an angel.”
“What I think it comes down to it we can’t really put everything into one basket. In my opinion there are literally countless societies, civilizations, and realms of different beings other than ourselves. We have not even yet scratch the surface in that aspect. I do believe that as far as the ‘Alien’ aspect of things. I do believe that disclosure is going to be happening very very soon. Definitely within our life times and we are going to learn a lot more about what is really happening, in not only our Universe, but many others as well.”
This is not such a fantastic idea or concept. I do believe that Mr. Stephen Hawking has theorized and held the belief for some time that it is impossible for us to be the only society in this Universe. The Universe is much to vast for us to be the only society in existence. If we were to gain knowledge and understanding of other societies and worlds beyond our own it would a major hit I’m sure to the balance and control in the World Powers a the moment.