“Well, when it comes right down to it, there seems to be a real in the Spirit World that you cannot give to much information about the other side. The only thing that I have been told repeatedly is that is that there is no physical reality on the other side. That it is all based in energy and that you literally project out your own reality and with other spirits in your soul circle. It is a perfect reality in the sense that it is your existence that is shared with your soul circle. Some other things that we have been able to ask is ‘What does it look like?’ They basically say that it is more beautiful that words can describe. So, its an interesting thing to think about that you are no longer in a physical plane or reality. That you are strictly in an energy stand point and you are working to help the living achieve their goal so they are able to ascend to the next level.”
“For what I have been able to obtain is that we are all basically created at the same point, from the same well. We born into what are called Soul Circles; energies that are around us through every life time. So you either spend your existence on this plane or the next. You essentially work with your team in a goal to ascend into the next level. We play roles in each other lives, trying to learn new lessons and try to ascend to the next level. Now, the question is, is there a perfection out there? I haven't been able to find that out yet.”
“That is a great question. That is one of life’s greatest mystery, right there. We’ve asked those questions and tried to obtain those answers. the one thing that we seem to have been able to find out is that there is one source. There is one thing that created all of this. Some people call it God, some people call it Allah, and some people call it The Universe. I am one that calls it The Universe. It seems that we all came about at the same time but in many different dimensions and many different realities. It definitely hasn't all synced up yet. The human spirit is definitely on a much lower plane than other entities.”