Pharmacist Assistant Learnership Magazine - issue 3 July 2014 | Page 8

ourservicedelivery Pharm ac As ist ist ant Patient Advocate Social Auxilliary Worker l Socia y lixu iar A r e Work Pharmacist Assistant Pharm acis As ista t nt buildingblocks K heth'Impilo’s t r a i n i n g nt programmes tie ate have educated over Pa oc v 8 0 0 p r e v i o u s l y Ad unemployed individuals who are supporting 381 facilities throughout South Africa. Through our work, we have been able to test over 1,000,000 people of which over 140,000 have been initiated onto treatment. Currently, Kheth’Impilo is responsible for 10% of the South Africa population currently on AR Treatment. In January this year, leading health innovators in South Africa who have successfully implemented solutions and achieved positive impact in healthcare battled for the top award at the 2014 Healthcare Innovation Summit held in Cape Town. st maci Phar nt Pharmacist As ista Assistant pioneering approaches to delivering value. “The virus is incredibly dynamic,” says Dr Grimwood. “It destroys on a daily basis. If we let our guard down, if we “If we let our become complacent, it's going to guard down, continue to wreak havoc in our if we become communities.” complacent, it's going to continue to wreak havoc in our communities.” At the same time, after almost three decades in the frontline, he remains energised and inspired by the very people who live with the virus. -Ashraf Grimwood Our Pharmacist Assistants, Social Auxilliary Workers and Pa ѥ