Pharmacist Assistant Learnership Magazine - issue 3 July 2014 | Page 7

Treat juice as a carbohydrate. Have a glass in place of fresh fruit or yoghurt or eggs at breakfast. Set a Timer Not all cravings need to be satised! Sometimes they are just passing impulses. Instead of indulging your craving when it strikes, set a timer and spend fteen minutes doing something else: Go on a walk, do some chores, talk on the phone. When time is up, give yourself permission to indulge it mindfully. Fancy tar-coated lungs? Cigarettes contain thousands of cancercausing chemicals and toxins. Smoking also accelerates cell damage in your body, causing premature ageing which leaves your skin looking sallow and wrinkled. AVOID absentminded eating such as eating in the car or straight out of the bag. 5healthy lifestyletips Drink Water! Staying hydrated can keep you energized and can prevent you from thinking you're hungry when in fact you're just thirsty. 5