Pharmacist Assistant Learnership Magazine - issue 3 July 2014 | Page 9

dr eulamothibi - Chief Operations Ofcer Dr Mothibi qualied as a medical doctor in 1992 whereafter she trained and qualied as a specialist physician, an HIV clinician and HIV programme manager. She worked as a physician at hospitals in Kwa-Zulu Natal, the Northern Cape and Western Cape provinces and became the HIV Technical Specialist and HIV Treatment Programme Manager for the Northern Cape Department of Health. This was before her return to the Western Cape as the Senior HIV Technical Specialist for the Western Cape Department of Health. Dr Mothibi became the Director of Clinical services for Absolute Return for Kids SA whereafter she co-founded the NGO Kheth'Impilo as Head of Health Services in 2009. She is currently the Chief Operations ofcer for the organisation. P: If you were not a physician, in what profession would you have liked to be? EU: I would be a civil engineer. It fascinates me how roads and bridges are built – one day you see sand, gravel, driving in one lane, then before you open your eyes, there is a road, bridge with curves at the top and bottom. It fascinates me. P: EU: If you could be one character from a book who would it be and why? I read serious books but I think, of the books I read with my children, Alice in Wonderland would be both great and scary. Favourite Food? Scottish Kippers and “organic” scrambled eggs for breakfast. I think we should all taste proper farm eggs – they taste like eggs! P: EU: Favourite movie? Favourite movies is more to the point – many, but today I will tell you about these 2 - I enjoyed the movies based on the books written by African American Terri McMillan – How Stella got her groove back, Waiting to exhale. P: EU: Best way to relax? Gardening or reading a nice book with a glass of red next to me. What is your happiest childhood memory? Too many to remember, I had a happy childhood. P: P: EU: EU: dr ashrafgrimwood - Chief Executive Ofcer Dr Grimwood started his HIV work in Australia during the late 80's, and continued in South Africa from 1992. He has extensive HIV experience with a community health focus in both the public and private sectors. Dr Grimwood was chair of NACOSA and previously served on the boards of Yabonga and Triangle project. He is currently serving on the SA HIV Clinicians Society and Dira Sengwe boards and is also deputy chair for the Centre for Conict Resolution. He was previously Executive Director of ARK SA, Deputy Director of SAHIVAC as well as Director of the HIV Research Unit – Secure the Future. P: AG: If you were not a physician, in what profession would you have liked to be? Architect, vet or farmer P: AG: What is your happiest childhood memory? Grandmother's wisdom P: AG: If you could be one character from a book who would it be? Merlin P: AG: Favourite Cuisine? Vietnamese P: AG: Best way to relax? On a hot beach with a great book and no wind somewhere beautiful, 7