trants was in for a treat receiving
dors covered their tables with an
a hand-made, etched clear glass
excellent array of temptations for
bowl picturing a spray of Phalaeour attendees. There would be lots
nopsis. Inside were the usual canof excellent selections not available
dies, pens and pads, but unique to
anywhere else, a unique feature
this one was the hand-made “Cool
of our annual symposiums. Mr.
Breeze in a Bag” and the “Austin”
Lin of Brother Orchids unpacked
peanut butter crackers. The cool
his small flasks; Mark, Joan and
breeze item (Texas Heat Buster)
Mandy of Orchidaceae covered
was a wettable cloth band, and
their tables with some beautifully
could even be frozen, then placed
grown plants; Peter Lin, of Big Leaf
around the neck for instant coolOrchids, had many unique first
ing. Good idea for the Texas heat!
bloomed seedlings; Meir Moses, of
The Austin crackers weren’t made
Orchid Konnection, featured some
in Austin, but who could resist the
excellent hybrids, and Todd Miller
name as an item for our meeting
of Miller’s Tropicals provided spegoody bag?
cies Phalaenopsis in his assortment.
By late afternoon most of our
Temptations were everywhere, but
vendors had arrived and had
attendees had to wait until after
completed their set up in the sales
AOS judging and the beginning of
area. Mr. Lin, from Brother Orthe Preview Party.
chids, had difficulty making flight
Donations continued to arrive for
arrangements into Austin, so his
our Saturday auction, so much so
arrival would be delayed until Frithat we easily passed the 100 donaday morning. Unfortunately, upon
tion mark. Considering the volume
his arrival, the luggage for himself
of donations, we knew that the aucand his two sons, who accompationeers (James Rider, Les Werner
nying him, was lost along the way.
and myself) would have to work
I still don’t know if they ever got it.
fast to sell all of the donations in
Thankfully, his flasks arrived with
the hour plus we had following our
him, so he had his sales items for
Saturday luncheon. Because selling
the symposium.
them all during our allotted time
That evening several of our atwould not be feasible, we decided
tendees were relaxing on the 18th
to create a silent auction during our
floor in the open bar area. We had
Preview Party. Hustling to make it
a view of most of the city and the
happen, Les, James, Lynn Fuller,
Renanstylis Bangkok Beauty ‘Peter Lin’ AM/AOS.
surrounding areas, so it was nice
Carri Raven-Reimann, George
Phal. Fintje Kunriawati ‘Spirit Creek’ HCC/AOS.
place to relax and enjoy the eveKillgore and I divided the plants
ning. Several of us were debating where to go for dinner, selecting 60 of them to move to the Silent Auction area in
but as the crowd grew, and since none of us were local, we the sales room. Bidding forms were written, the plants disbasically were at an impasse on what to do and where to go. tributed on the extra tables, and before long we were ready.
Soon our group grew to a dozen, then to almost 20. Thank- Great teamwork everyone!
fully the hotel came to rescue and offered us a menu so we
The entries on the plant table grew steadily throughout
could stay together and enjoy the dinner right there on the the day. By judging time, there were some 25 blooming
18th floor with everyone enjoying conversation with each plants registered in the various categories. Some were inother. A fine ending to a busy-busy day.
deed show stoppers while others were smaller and unique.
On Friday morning, we returned to the 18th floor where The judging teams made short work of the entries giving
the hotel featured a free breakfast bar for its guests. A su- several blue ribbons and each of the IPA Trophies. The
perb line up of breakfast items was featured including one judges, led by Judy Cook of the Dallas Judging Center,
of my favorites, southern style grits. A chef behind the retired to the lecture room to further evaluate the plants
counter was available to prepare an omelet to your liking nominated for AOS judging. Several plants were screened,
with a wonderful selection of fresh ingredients. Even fresh and two winners emerged:
salsa and pico de gallo were available as toppings. Fresh
Phal. Fintje Kunriawati ‘Spirit Creek’ HCC/AOS owned
waffle anyone?
by Olie Garrison. The cross is Phal. pulchra x violacea.
Activity in the sales area really started to pick up. VenRenanstylis Bangkok Beauty ‘Peter Lin’ AM/AOS owned
Phalaenopsis | Third Quarter | Volume 23 | 2013