Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 11

c . Allow users to post questions . ( If the IPA chooses to implement this type of feature , then the site must be monitored religiously . There is nothing worse that posting a question and never receiving an answer .) 8 . Grow the directory of IPA commercial members in a manner that promotes our members . 9 . Create a regional news section . As an alternative this section could provide links to regional Facebook pages .
Membership ( 1 Year Out ) Key Issues It is not a secret that IPA membership has declined recently . With the horrible global economy and poor performance by the IPA in producing the Journal , it is a small wonder . In addition , the IPA seems to be mirroring a national trend of an aging population . This is not unique to the IPA . Orchid societies across the nation are experiencing similar problems .
To continue as a viable and growing organization , the IPA needs to recruit new members , especially young members that bring new energy and ideas . It is also imperative that the IPA find a way to tap the energy of existing members and gain a new sense of volunteerism among its members .
Recommendations The IPA must start a worldwide recruitment process to strengthen the organization ’ s membership base . 1 . Create a small team of energetic members to create a recruitment package for the Regional Directors to present to orchid societies in their region . 2 . As funds become available , advertise in professional journals such as those produced by the American Orchid Society , Australian Orchid Society , Orchid Society of Great Britain , Taipei Orchid Society , and all the other national / regional orchid societies ( Please forgive us if we did not specifically mention your society .) promoting the IPA . 3 . Build strong relationships with commercial Phalaenopsis growers around the world encouraging them to promote the IPA .
Symposiums ( Immediate ) Key Issues The annual IPA symposium is “ the event ” of the year . However , according to the recent survey of IPA members , there needs to be more lead time ( notice ) as to the time and place of upcoming symposiums . Additionally , some concern was expressed about the need for new speakers and a larger variety of topics .
Recommendations The symposium should be a place to meet new friends , catch up with old friends , make contacts with growers and hobbyist alike , learn how to be a better Phal grower , and generally have a good time . 1 . Symposiums should be rotated to various locations . Since the majority of IPA members currently reside in the United States , symposiums should be rotated among sites on the East Coast , South / Southwest , and the West Coast . Every 4 th or 5 th symposium should be at an international location .
Phalaenopsis - Second Quarter , Vol . 21 ( 4 ) 2012
2 . Plan the date and location of symposiums at least three years in advance so members can plan vacations / travel dates . This will also give sponsoring societies and / or regions time to plan a unique experience with knowledgeable new speakers , informative programs , field trips , spousal events , and Phalaenopsis vendors . 3 . It is clear that the quality of Symposium speakers , vendors , and programs defines the success of the Symposium . 4 . There have been numerous concerns raised about the “ good ‘ ol boy ” network being pervasive in the IPA . Symposiums must be planned and operated in a manner that maximizes the experience of all .
Regional Meetings ( Immediate ) Key Issues Because of time constraints and travel expenses , it is difficult for some IPA members to attend the annual symposium . This leaves a prime opportunity for regional meetings to fill the void . Unfortunately , regional meeting have been spotty to non-existent in some regions . Regional Directors need to take initiative and be pro-active in scheduling and / or hosting regional meeting . However , it should be noted that many of the regions are quite large ( covering multiple states ), making it very difficult for a director to adequately represent the entire region . Please note , the IPA Board is keenly aware of this issue and is discussing alternatives and potential solutions .
Recommendations Regional IPA meetings should provide all of the opportunities of a symposium , but on a reduced scale . 1 . The IPA Board must continue to re-evaluate each region to ensure the reasonableness and feasibility of a regional director being able to support their region . 2 . As a condition of becoming a Regional Director , the perspective director should commit to holding at least one regional meeting a year . This condition must be enforced by the IPA Board . 3 . The IPA needs to provide more support to Regional Directors in holding regional meetings . To this end , the IPA should support and prepare a speakers list of Phal growers who are willing travel and support various regions .
Governance and Infrastructure ( Currently On-going ) Key Issues Through this planning process the Strategic Planning Committee has become painfully aware of the limitations of the IPA infrastructure necessary to manage any organization . This includes the current bylaws , membership software and database , and ( lack of ) financial management software . The IPA is 20 years old , but does not ( or cannot ) take advantage of today ’ s readily available technology . Nor does it practice sound management practices providing for the smooth transition of functions and operations to newly elected officers .
Recommendations The IPA must adopt contemporary management practices , policies , and technology to effectively manage the organization for