Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 10

10 ing Y copies as electronic media ? Where are the savings ? Printing cost ? Distribution cost ? f . Can production costs be significantly offset by expanding advertising ? 4 . When economically feasible ( as determined by number 3 above ) publish the Journal in PDF or similar electronic media format for those members who wish to receive the Journal digitally . Electronic distribution should be secure and only available to IPA members . 5 . The Digest needs to be replaced by a Newsletter or other forum to complement the Journal as a source for Phalaenopsis information . It may prove to be more productive to produce a true electronic newsletter ( presuming the IPA can get volunteers to manage a newsletter ) and move the Digest to a forum format on the IPA web site . 6 . Move regional news from the Journal to a newsletter or the IPA web site .
IPA Website ( Immediate ) Key Issues There is no question that the world is moving to an electronic society . With the proliferation of social networks , blogs , and commercial news sites , the IPA cannot let itself fall behind . In fact , the IPA website must become the face of the IPA . It has to be the premier web site for information on Phalaenopsis orchids . Additionally , it must be structured to attract the attention of the web ’ s most important search engines . ( One of the most effective ways to gain a higher web search ranking is to have as many links as possible to and from other web sites . Think links with AOS , commercial growers , forums , Facebook , Twitter , etc .). When a user turns to a search engine to find information about a specific hybrid , the IPA site must be returned at or near the top of the list . This functionality may be the most viable way for the IPA to attract new members . Yet , a redesigned website must not lose site of the importance of providing support to the IPA organization as a whole while still meeting the needs of each individual member . Providing space for regional meetings and activities is a must . As is support for joining the IPA , renewing a membership , signing up for symposiums , or providing a resource for specific growing questions or problems .
Recommendations Clearly the IPA website must be an enticing and informative resource for all Phalaenopsis growers . But support for membership must not be forgotten . 1 . Create an opening web page ( the home page ) that does nothing but show off the beauty of Phalaenopsis orchids . ( For example , something developed with Flash that shows rotating pictures of award winning Phals or enumerates species Phals .). This page must entice a viewer to thoroughly explore the entire website . 2 . Design the web site so it can be expanded , modified , and generally maintained by the webmaster . a . Create a theme ( master page ) that is used throughout the web site to provide consistency and clarity in navigation for the entire site . With a master page , all site web pages will have the same menus ( or menu style ) and navigation features that will provide continuity from one page to another . b . Create a master CSS ( set of display rules ) template to ensure all text and colors are uniform throughout the site . Remember , some site readers have visual impairments like color blindness , so using red text on a gray background is not a wise choice . Make each page easy to read with a simple , medium to large font placed on a background color that is easy on the eyes . Black text on a white background is one of the easiest to read . 3 . Create a photo library of Phalaenopsis . This may be the best way to attract the attention of the various search engines . a . Provide a mechanism for members to post photos of their flowers . b . Provide a display of all of the Phalaenopsis species . c . Create a searchable index of photos . d . Work with the AOS to gain permission to display the official list of awarded Phalaenopsis . ( This can be a win-win for both the AOS and the IPA . With mutual links to each other ’ s websites and resources , search engines will rank each site higher and place search
responses higher in the list of responses .) 4 . Create pages for photos of IPA events such as highlights of Symposiums , regional meetings , and other events . As an alternative , the IPA site could provide links to Twitter , Facebook , and Flicker pages . 5 . Create a members only section which would include : a . A searchable index of articles and keywords . b . A mechanism to research and download past IPA Journals in PDF format . c . All governance documents such as the IPA by-laws and operating procedures manuals . d . A membership directory ( where IPA members can opt in or out ) and membership management page where they can specify the information to be displayed ( as well as information to be used by the Membership Secretary ), preferences on how they want to receive the IPA Journal and whether they want to receive IPA related e-mails , etc . 6 . Publish culture sheets . Include culture sheets for different geographic locals . A culture sheet for growing plants in Texas is vastly different that one for growing plants in Minnesota or Australia . A good first step would be to publish or link to the American Orchid Society ’ s ( AOS ) culture sheets . In addition , the IPA should work with the AOS and other international orchid societies to expand the culture sheets to reflect various growing conditions around the world . 7 . Create ( or link to ) an online member to member forum :
a . Create an on-line Market Place where Phal enthusiasts can purchase , sell , and trade plants . Provide the mechanism for a phal enthusiast to post a message saying that they are looking for a Phal . deliciosa and be able to connect with a grower that has one . ( We need to be careful with this idea because we do not want to become an E-Bay . There is also the fraud factor that is always a possibility .) b . Provide functionality where users can have online exchanges about their favorite plants .
Second Quarter , Vol . 21 ( 4 ) 2012 - Phalaenopsis