Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 12

the next 20 years . 1 . A permanent financial / audit committee must be formed to work with the Treasurer and make sure the IPA is meeting acceptable general accounting standards . One of the first tasks of this committee should be to purchase an easy to use accounting software package and develop the chart of accounts to be used to categorize all expenditures and revenue . ( Please note , the IPA Board authorized the purchase of Quicken to help the Treasurer manage the organizations finances .) Someone on the audit committee should be responsible for reviewing the organization ’ s monthly financial statement and comparing the statement with all monthly bank statement and / or other financial statements . The committee should also ensure that all annual tax forms are prepared and submitted on time and to the proper agencies . 2 . The IPA should evaluate the current “ home grown ” membership software application and assess its ability to manage membership registration , notifications , and dues . Part of the analysis should be an assessment of ease in which the software / membership information can transition from one Membership Secretary to a new Membership Secretary . 3 . After 20 years of service there is no doubt that the Bylaws are in need of an update / overhaul . The Bylaws should be amended to recognize new technologies such as the use of internet based on-line meetings and voting by e-mail . Items for consideration when amending the by-laws include :
• Allow for electronic notices and voting .
• Allow for electronic meetings .
• Setting a time frame for reconfirming Regional Directors ( every 2 years , as a suggestion ). This could be done by Board action or reappointment by the current President .
• Provide a mechanism for realigning the regions and / or adding regions .
• Evaluate the requirements for Regional Directors to ensure they are removed or replaced as needed .
• Work with the Membership Secretary to enhance and improve the section on dues .
• Ensure that the bylaws are vetted for New York not-for-profit status . For example , an ‘ audited ’ financial report must be published one month after the annual meeting .
• Clarify and / or update all references of Newsletter to the Journal or to a generic publication . Much is based on the ‘ newsletter ’ for notices , etc . throughout the bylaws .
• Evaluate and revise the definition of a quorum to ensure enough Directors are available for business meetings .
• Consider making the composition of the Executive Committee elected officers only , with the exception being the inclusion of the immediate past president .
• Allow for more than two meetings per year by the Board of Directors . With electronic communications is technically possible to garner more input from Directors at a minimal cost .
• Assess the need of permanent committees or additional Board positions .
4 . The IPA does not have any kind of internal procedures manual that documents the day-to-day operational requirements . For example there is nothing written that directs the Treasurer
12 to file standard non-profit tax forms by April 15th of each year . Similarly , there is nothing written that describes all of the duties of each Board position . A committee should be created that writes an internal procedures manual for the IPA .
Become the Authority on Phalaenopsis ( 3 to 5 years ) Key Issues The IPA member ’ s survey made it perfectly clear that acquiring new plants and enhancing collections is vitally important . Thousands of Phals are being sold in the big box stores , grocery stores , and over the internet . And many of those being sold have a poor quality flower , marginal health ( weak to non-existent root structure , pests and diseases , plants that have been forced to bloom at too young of an age ) and no identification tag . To make matters worse , some vendors provide culture information that is misleading at best , does not recognize various growing regions , and in some cases is harmful to the plant .
However , the Strategic Planning Committee clearly understands that is not currently feasible to implement the following recommendations until the organization grows in size , and more importantly , implements all of the recommendations above .
Recommendations The IPA needs to assert itself as the leading authority on Phalaenopsis . 1 . Create a local orchid society educational program . This could consist of slide shows , power point presentations , films , etc . that can be provided to local societies for presentation at their meetings . The conclusion of each program should include an introduction to the IPA and an invitation to join . 2 . Work with the AOS and create a judges educational program to ensure Phalaenopsis are understood and judged on their unique characteristics . 3 . Explore a Phalaenopsis Certification program for commercial growers where culture , quality ( plant and flower ), and innovation are encouraged . 4 . Explore a Retailers Education program that trains retailers on how to care for and display phalaenopsis . The program will also emphasize the importance of selling healthy , vigorous plants with exceptional flower quality , such as those containing the “ IPA Certified ” seal . Retailers could be introduced to IPA Certified growers and will be eligible for a spotlight feature in a future IPA Journal . Retailers will be encouraged to provide the IPA website along with an IPA membership form with all Phalaenopsis sold . 5 . Explore commercial vendor discounts to IPA members . A 5 % or 10 % discount for plants and supplies can provide immediate benefits to IPA members and also draw new customers to vendors . It would also be appropriate for the IPA to work with local arboretums and gardens to allow IPA members to receive discounted ( or in some cases free ) tickets and entrance fees . The IPA could model this program after a similar AOS program .
Second Quarter , Vol . 21 ( 4 ) 2012 - Phalaenopsis