duced attractive white background flowers, sized between the
two parents and has a sprinkling of fine red dots. The crosses
between these hybrids are interesting. Second Phal. Acajou, a
cross between Phal. corningiana × viridis, is a true blend of both
parents, both in flower size and in the coloring of the flower segments. And thirdly Phal. Robert Combremont, a cross between
Phal. fuscata × cornu-cervi, that is reminiscent in appearance of
Phal. mannii with its rather narrow segments, and the edges are
bent back and have brown flowers with a yellowish base color.
And a fourth, Phal. Christine Dream, a cross between Phal. stuartiana × wilsonii of 1996, that promised a variety of mediumsized fragrant flowers and the need was largely met. The flowers
have a white back-ground slightly pink color with a fine stippling at the base of the lateral sepals. The flowers posture and
form comes largely from the parent plant Phal. wilsonii.
In 1977, a cross between Phal. amabilis × corningiana resulted
in Phal. Belle de Cernier, with petals that are relatively narrow
with a white back-ground and fine pink dotting, arranged in
vertical stripes. Then the cross, Phal. javanica × wilsonii, produced Phal. Kathy Dream, and is noted by the shapely white
back-ground flowers with red dots. Also the cross Phal. deliciosa
(as Kingidium philippinense in hybrid registration) × Phal. lobbii, resulted in a cute hybrid registered then as Phaliella Little
Dream, but, today it is known as a Phalaenopsis.
In 1998, a cross between Phal. mannii × cochlearis bloomed.
The yellow back-ground flower has claw-like curved forward
segments and is banded maroon on all the segments. The name
of the hybrid, Phal. Cochlemann, was obtained from the twoparents.
In 1999, two primary new hybrids, another cross with Phal.
mannii × wilsonii produced a rather attractive, fragrant pink suffused hybrid and was named Phal. Isabelle Dream. Then came
Phal. Paul Vincent, Phal. mannii × inscriptiosinensis, with relatively small sized, yellowed background flowers that have brown
banding on all the segments. The yellowish to ivory white Phal.
Viviane Dream, a cross between Phal. amabilis × cochlearis, that
shows quite a variation with different flowering broad segments,
but always a lip that is reminiscent of Phal. cochlearis.
In 2000, he bred Phal. Corinne Dream, which was the result of
a cross between Phal. fuscata × javanica, which is rarely used for
breeding. The pretty little yellow flowers are spotted irregular
red. Phal. Fabienne Dream was created within the same year,
between Phal. stuartiana × viridis, this also has a yellowish
brown flower in color with an intense pale pink lip and a white
dotting pattern.
Phal. Franziska Dream first bloomed in 2001, a cross between
Phal. schilleriana × wilsonii where the growers had hoped for
a multifloral fragrant cross. Also in the same year, Phal. Maria
Dream bloomed and is a cross between Phal. schilleriana × sumatrana.
In 2002, there were four new primary hybrids. Phal. Jean-François, a cross between Phal. equestris × bastianii that has flowers
with recurved segment margins and segments that are slightly
larger than those of Phal. equestris. The flowers have polka-dots
that are very intense violet with barely visible white base color.
Second, Phal. Manniphil, a cross between Phal. mannii × philippinensis, that is pretty unimpressive and has ocher-colored
flowers which are only slightly larger than those of Phal. mannii.
Third, the rarely used Phal. javanica is crossed with Phal. schilleriana and the result Phal. Morges la Coquette has handsome
little pink flowers. Fourth, Phal. Nicole Dream is a cross between
Phal. fuscata × sanderiana, this plant has large, white background, intense red dotted flowers and lots of future breeding.
In 2003, he bred Phal. mannii × thailandica resulting in Phal.
Little Green. This cross was initially thought to be a hybrid with
the Vietnamese Phal. gibbosa, when registration was first filed.
The hybrid has cute little flowers, which are greenish to yellowish in color and the flowers are not always satisfactory looking. A
second hybrid with Phal. thailandica × wilsonii showed a pleasing white pale pink colored, fragrant flowers and is known as
Phal. Little Tenderness. A really nice outcome was also achieved
between Phal. sumatrana × pulcherrima and was registered as
Phal. Purple Sum in 2004. This cross has relatively large redviolet colored flowers.
In 2004, the cross b