Primary Hybrids
of Phalaenopsis - Part 2
Olaf Gruss
Little known primary hybrids
from Switzerland.
or more than 20 years Luc Vincent, originally from Fribourg,
Switzerland reports interesting new primary hybrids of Phalaenopsis for RHS registration, however the results are, unfortunately, little known. A few of the crosses he has breed have
never ever come in large numbers.
His first cross in 1991, Phal. modesta × pulcherrima, he named Phal.
Myriam-Esther and produced flowers with intense coloration.
In 1992, the hybrid Phal. Fribourg, named after Luc’s home town,
was created between Phal. violacea and little used Phal. inscriptiosinensis, which has an off-white base color.
In 1993, he created four new hybrid crosses. Phal. mannii × maculata, was named Phal. Aurelien. Second Phal. Gérald, a cross between
Phal. venosa × maculata. Third, Phal. Janine, a cross between Phal.
lindenii × speciosa and lastly Phal. Paul Baudat, a cross between P [