Petra Post Magazine Issue 2 | Page 4
Introducing Petra Coach
What Before How 3
Chip Gallent
Letter From The Founder 4
Championing The Rockefeller Habits 5
10 Habits Of Mentally Strong People 6
Taylor Brown
Dr. Travis Bradberry
The Science Of Why 8
Grit: Will Take You Further Than Talent 10
Simon Sinek
Angela Duckworth
You Are Who You Surround Yourself With 12
What Employees Crave & How To Give It To Them 13
Greg Eisen
Katherine Foster
Feature: Company Nurse
Tulip Media Group
Erika MacLeod
Jessica Embree
Stacey Cowperthwaite
Andy Bailey
Mandy Burage
Katherine Foster
Dr. Travis Bradberry
Simon Sinek
Angela Duckworth
Chip Gallent
Taylor Brown
Company Nurse
Greg Eisen
Leah Tobak
Andy Bailey
All images are sourced
from Tulip Media Group
or unless
otherwise identified.
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Welcome to Petra Coach
Post Magazine!
I once was told that not reading is worse than not
being able to read!
Reading has been central to my personal and
professional growth—period. But it wasn’t always that
way. There was a time when I was stuck and, frankly, just
didn’t know what I didn’t know. Reading, combined with
action, changed that forever.
In today’s digital world where speed is king, I’m
asking that we take a few minutes to slow down, put
the phone away, turn down the noise, and simply hold
the pages in our hands, breathe a little slower, and
For this reason, we have created this magazine. A set
of simple, easy-to-digest articles from thought leaders
and friends curated just for you. Each quarter we bring
you a few ideas to shift your thinking and provide insights
you and your team need to change for the better.
The Petra Coach Post cover story this quarter is an
inspiring story of success through struggle from Paul
Binsfeld, founder and CEO of Company Nurse. Petra
Coach has been working with Company Nurse for a few
years now, and we are proud to share their journey of
triumph and growth as they continue to scale.
Read on!
Andy Bailey