Petra Post Magazine Issue 2 | Page 3

PEOPLE WHAT BEFORE HOW BY CHIP GALLENT, CERTIFIED PETRA COACH BUSINESS IS hard enough. We plan. We think. We train. We win. And, sometimes, we lose. But what if I told you that there is a way to tilt the odds in your favor and win more. Would you believe me? Well, there is! At Petra Coach, when we visit organizations to begin our coaching relationship, one of the first things we’re looking to uncover is how that team collectively solves problems. Most of the time, what we find is that companies are spending way too much time on how they’re going to fix a problem. Ask anyone—they think they’ve gotten to the bottom of it and are ready to be the hero. Usually, answers center around more of this, less of that, and so on and so forth. However, the solution does not lie in discussing how you should resolve the issue; it’s in defining what a successful resolution looks like . . . first! By defining success up front, you’re tuning your brain to seek out that result and the odds of achieving it increase significantly. And, once you have spelled out what you want to accomplish, the steps to reaching that specific outcome tend to reveal themselves. Think about it this way: Do you remember seventh grade science class? This is when most of us were introduced to the scientific method—the process we used to navigate from problem to solution. The steps are: 1. Ask the question 2. Do research 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Conduct an experiment 5. Analyze the data 6. Draw a conclusion This method has been proven effective time and time again, so why is it that in business, we consistently overlook Step three? When you take the time to really clarify what “winning” looks like for you and your team, it is akin to forming your hypothesis; it is specifying the thing that you’re pursuing and how attaining it will be measured. When we immediately jump into how we are going to conduct an experiment, we’re setting ourselves up for failure, as we have not detailed the end game and exactly what we’re answering. Without forming a hypothesis prior to executing an experiment, how can we expect to accurately reach any conclusions? In addition to improving your team’s chances at a “win,” there are also interpersonal benefits to this principle. When we observe teams who approach their challenges by focusing on how they’re going to settle them, there tends to be a lot of dysfunction and discord within the team, and potentially the entire company. When you focus on the what first, tension, dysfunction, and discord begin to disappear as the team fixates on one, unified, well-defined goal. The next time you’re faced with a challenge in your business, recognize when your team is getting stuck in the weeds and spending too much time on the how. Shut it down. Reframe the conversation with the question, “What does success look like?” You’ll be considerably more likely to get it right, the path to achieving it will become much clearer, and your team will hyper-focus on the same outcome. In the end, they’ll work better together. 3