F E AT U R E Colour affects us on all levels, moods and emotions thus behaviour can be helped enormously. Did You Know? • Red is the colour of mourning in South Africa. How to calm an aggressive dog or cat with colours? All factors need to be assessed, for example, why is the animal aggressive? Is it fear, is it pain? This can be difficult sometimes but generally the calming energy of blue can make a big difference. • The colour Blue was once used as a protection against witches. • Ancient Greeks wore white to bed for pleasant dreams. Which animal do you think is the easiest to heal with colours? Actually I cannot say as I feel that all animals are responsive to colour therapy. • Cleopatra loved purple, to obtain one ounce of purple dye, her servants used to soak 20,000 Purpura snails for 10 days. • The rate of suicides decreased by 50% when the colour of the bridges in London was changed from black to blue. Cats do love it. I have had cats that have been very reluctant to accept when a therapy session is finished. Then there are others who know when they have had enough and simply get up and walk away. • Goldfish lose their colour if kept in dim light. Similar to humans, they need sunlight to keep their pigment. Horses are incredibly sensitive creatures and respond very well, as do donkeys. I have known guinea pigs that have adored it and an eagle owl that seemed to go into a trance. So, no there are no barriers. Easy or difficult to help is more about the personality of the creature, whether that is human or non-human rather than the species. • Mosquitos are attracted to the colour blue twice as much as to any other colour. • A lobster’s blood is colourless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue. • Crocodiles are colour blind. Do you have any advice for pet owners planning to try colour therapy for pets? There is a booklet that can be downloaded from my website about Colour Therapy for Animals which gives an outline of what the energies of the colours can help with. This could be very helpful. I also run workshops for both human health and animals and my next one is to be held in West Sussex on Sunday 20th July. • Mosquitoes prefer children to adults and blondes to brunettes. • A garfish has green bones. Colour Therapy is a truly natural, holistic, non- invasive therapy, has no side effects, and is perfectly safe whether being used for humans or animals. Please always remember that no complementary therapy should be considered as an alternative to orthodox veterinary advice. To get to know more about colour therapy workshops by Valerie please go to: colour_therapy_workshop_animals.php Website: 11