P E T S SAY Name: Pixi Female, 4 years old, Himalayan Qualities: Very friendly and loves to be pet. Owner: Sumaya Zaater Name: Montgomery The Third 10 months old Turkish Angora Qualities: Montgomery is a very polite and loving cat. Never scratches or bites. He starts licking people’s hands if he gets defensive to express his anxiety! Owner: Haytham Husein 12 CHEESE! Name: Tea 9 months old Labrador Qualities: Tea is very friendly dog and is a fast learner. Tea is easy going and never has any issues or causes any troubles. Owner: Fatmah Alshamsi Name: Jupiter Male, French Bulldog, 6 months old Qualities: Jumps, spins, sits, huge people lover and big kisser!! Owner: Denisa Fainis Name: Coco Scottish fold, 7 months old girl. Qualities: She is very spoilt and thinks she is the Princess of Wales! Owner: Duha Zaater Name: Kapoet Cango African Grey, 5 months old, Male Qualities: He can talk clearly and whistle at this young age. Loves watching teletubbies and playing with his dinosaur toys. Owner: Michelle du plessis Send us pictures of your furry friends with their details to be featured in this section on: [email protected]