F E AT U R E - Via the hands of the practitioner who will direct the colour required in a similar way to ‘hands on healing’. - Appropriate coloured bedding, collars, saddle, blankets etc. - Noting appropriate colours in the animal’s environment. It is also worth noting that as an animal picks up on its human’s vibrations, therefore, therapists really need to be aware of treating the animal and its human family. Animals are very sensitive to emotional and thought patterns so they will be affected by any negative energy, which we are holding. They respond to peaceful, calm and tranquil thoughts and the energies that emanate from us and from the love we give. Animals sense “where we are coming from” and they will be drawn to someone who is giving out love, peace and harmony. What is solarised water? It is simply pure mineral water, which by using the power of sunlight, is instilled with the energy of a particular colour. Each colour has its own wavelength, which resonates with the wavelength of the energy centres or chakras in our body. The water is surrounded by the appropriate colour and the sunlight passing through the colour will energise the water with that particular colour’s vibrations. The water can then be used to help many conditions, either as drinking the water or by using it to bathe affected areas. How can we solarise water? It is quite simple. Use a clear glass receptacle with a filter of the desired colour around it and cover the top with muslin or some other cotton fabric or gauze. If you have a glass receptacle in the desired colour then use that. Fill the glass with pure still mineral water and place on a south-facing windowsill. In summer the process of light absorption should only take a couple of hours but in winter it may be necessary to leave the glass there all day. Then store the container with a lid on in the refrigerator. The solarised (energised) water will last up to 5 days. species have different eyes and some see more colour than others. Does colour therapy only affect when colour can be seen by the patient or can colour blind people and animals also benefit from it? Because colour energy is received via our electromagnetic field or aura, it means that we do not have to see the colour with our eyes, we feel it and sense it. It has been shown that people who cannot see can distinguish different colours. People who are colour blind, and of course colour blindness varies too, will still be receiving the wavelength of the colour whether they see is correctly or not. Thus animals can do the same whether they see the colour or not. How can we incorporate colour therapy in our pet’s life? By using calming colours. Try to use natural materials rather than man-made fibres. Solarised water is a good method. The water can be put in the animal’s drinking bowl. The bedding, leads, collars, saddlecloths, etc. should also be of appropriate colours. Any specific colours that pets should not be exposed to? Red is a difficult colour to use, it increases blood flow and blood pressure and promotes adrenaline production. So the old adage “red rag to a bull” is actually quite accurate. Red can produce a fear reaction or an aggressive reaction so great care should be used if red is needed for an animal’s therapy. For the inexperienced, it is probably safer to avoid it. One can use a deep pink instead if a warming and stimulating colour is needed. Solarised water can be very helpful and is safe for adults, children and animals. Can colour therapy heal major ailments like cancer? It should never be claimed that Colour Therapy is a cure for any particular ailment that applies to any complementary therapy of course. However, colour therapy can be used for any problem, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Cancer can be helped by colour but it is not an “alternative” it is a complementary therapy. The beauty of colour therapy, as against some other complementary therapies, is that it can be used safely and effectively alongside any other therapy, complementary or orthodox medicine. And it really can help. Can animals see colours? Animals see colours differently to us. Different How successful is colour therapy in behavioural issues? 10