Perth & Kinross Universal Youth Work Case Studies 2019-2020(clone) | Page 7


Outcome 1: More security and sustainability with core and programme support

At AYP we were able to come up with how we’d deal with the conditions imposed on the sector then check out with the partners what they were doing and that was reassuring and helpful. The funding has had a massive impact on AYP’s feeling of security and sustainability and has taken a lot of pressure off us.

Outcome 2: Reduced time on application and reporting

At AYP we need to be careful that we don’t loose our brand which means working with All Young People (AYP). I feel strongly that we are set up so young people see AYP a safe place and choose to come to us. If they don’t come we will do detached work to find them a promote what we can offer. It’s all about building a relationship with young people through their engagement in positive, fun activities that they have chosen to take part in. That’s not to say we don’t get involved in youth work that requires a targeted intervention, but when we do it comes through the connections we’ve made and the relationship we have with the young person, the family of school etc. It not been through looking for funding for targeted work. To sum up, I wouldn’t normally be applying for funding that meant we had to achieve targets that we wouldn’t be looking to achieve through the work we do.

Outcome 3: Shared knowledge, expertise and resources through structured networking and monitoring

I can see the reasons why the partners only meetings [without funders present] were proposed in terms of the partnership being able to stand on its own two feet and not working to a funders agenda, however I never felt we were.

Outcome 4: Increased profile, voice and value from being part of an authority wide collective

We’ve been working in Alyth for 23 years and the people of Alyth own AYP. We have second and third generations attending. If there was no UYW or partnership with Gannoch/PKC, we'd maybe need to tweak things in terms of staffing etc, but we would still be here doing what we do. That said, it has improved our practice and increased our understanding of youth work as a 'universal' process - just creating a safe space for young people to come into is really important to us.


The Eastern Perthshire Youth Alliance include: Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD) in Blairgowrie and Rattray, Alyth Youth Partnership (AYP) in Alyth, Coupar Angus Youth Activities Group CAYAG) and the St Maddoes and Kinfauns Centre.

Annual Award: 76,500