Perth & Kinross Universal Youth Work Case Studies 2019-2020(clone) | Page 8


Outcome 1: More security and sustainability with core and programme support

The structure has helped in terms of providing clarity over the governance of the EPYA. For example  before the UYW partnership we knew very little about the board or the governance structure. We would turn up deliver a session then leave. Now we have a framework that supports what we do at a local level and at a more strategic level and if we need advice or information we know who to go to for help.

If we didn’t receive the UYW funding the youth provision would still be delivered on an ad hoc basis, there would be no consistency and I wouldn’t be here.

Outcome 2: Reduced time on application and reporting

The UYW partnership has definitely given the board a bit of breathing space. And the level of funding means there’s less reporting to be done.

Outcome 3: Shared knowledge, expertise and resources through structured networking and monitoring

A real benefit of the partnership is the informal connections we have. This creates opportunities to share practice and help each other out. Marly has been up to SCYD  a few times to help them out and Rhys, a student at SCYD has been to us to help. This is something that would never have happened prior to the setting up of the UYW partnership and is a real benefit.


Outcome 4: Increased profile, voice and value from being part of an authority wide collective

Being part of the partnership has made us feel like we are doing youth work for real. CAYAG has struggled in the past to promote and sustain a youth work profile locally and  whilst we are still on the cusp of getting people to recognise we are here and delivering; the partnership is helping us raise our profile. It has also raised our awareness and helped to reflect on our aims and objectives as an organisation. Another huge benefit is the opportunities we can access in terms of training organised through Gannochy/PKC and this puts us as individuals and CAYAG as an organisation 'on the map'.


Outcome 1: More security and sustainability with core and programme support

Knowing there’s not a looming shadow hanging over us especially during this Covid period has eased a lot of stress that would have been there otherwise. Knowing the funding is there is great.

Whilst the EYPA connections with AYP and CAYAG are worthwhile the opportunity to link in with the other partners’ knowledge and experience has been amazing and refreshing to know that I’m not on my own.

Outcome 2: Reduced time on application and reporting

For the Education Recovery Fund the application focussed on the PX2 Employability Programme the YMCA run. From what we know this will be delivered by someone in the Y with support from us. The likelihood is that if we’d applied as SCYD for this Cash Back funding we probably wouldn’t have been successful, whereas applying as a collective gave us a better chance of success even given our aims for the fund may have been different.

Outcome 3: Shared knowledge, expertise and resources through structured networking and monitoring

When the first lockdown happened there was a massive emphasis on adhering to remaining safe online. So Sam and I had regular catch ups to exchange ideas on what we were doing in terms of a response to Covid and what we were doing with young people and that was massively helpful to me. Within the EYPA we have tapped into each other’s strengths, for example I set up art sessions that Astrid delivered to young people from all three organisations.


Outcome 4: Increased profile, voice and value from being part of an authority wide collective

Funding is always important and there’s a massive benefit to being part of the UYW partnership. It’s always difficult for rural areas to compete with bigger organisations in urban areas. So, the opportunity to come together as a partnership to work up funding applications is great. The partnership has created the opportunity to connect through social media through, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter we’ve been able to share what each organisation is doing and that’s helped increase our profile.