Perth & Kinross Universal Youth Work Case Studies 2019-2020(clone) | Page 6

Alison Mitchell, DHT, Pitlochry High School 

Obviously, with COVID, opportunities for the Breathe project to engage with our young people have been severely limited.  Always understanding and supportive of restrictions, Jamie and his team have none the less proved determined and enthusiastic in overcoming obstacles and providing support to our young people. Most notably they have visited Primary and Secondary pupils during lunchtime one day a week, where possible,  to chat, provide information and support and assist pupils in engaging with each other and the wider community.  They were also able to offer individual support and time to an S2 pupil who was struggling with the impact of the first lockdown.  Jamie and his team are always ready to help and engage with our young people in any capacity and are currently planning to support our S1 Induction programme in August with a range of team building activities. The Breathe Project is a hugely valuable resource for us, particularly in our remote rural location.

Anna/Karen, DHT's Breadalbane High School  

"Breathe continues to be an integral suport for young people in our learning community. The team have adapted well to the constrictions of lockdown and offered online support and contact in supportin pupils mental and physical health during a challenging year. Since restrictions have relaxed, the team has continued their 1:1 support of vulnerable young people as well as Junior and Senior drop-ins; organised activities and a place for young people to interact after a time of isolation for so many.

Another successful year of Employability and Enterprise courese has resulted in pupils fully engaging in activities and challenges which lead to National Qualifications at Level 4 and pupils engaged and thoroughly enjoying their time at the Breathe Centre"