Personal Project 1 | Page 14

Caesar Cipher

You have just read about how codes were vital for communication during WWII. Now you can try and decode some messages and even make your own!

You will now need the Cipher Wheel that came with this magazine- in the back.

In order to use a cipher wheel, you will need to line up the inner wheel, so that the A's are matching.

If you have:

"shift 3", turn the

inner wheel 3 times to the left. You can do the same for any shift- remember turn it to the left!

Now, you are ready to encrypt a message. Let's still use "shift 3". Let's pretend that you want to encrypt; "Hello". In order to do this find "h" on the outer wheel, and then write down its corresponding letter on the inner wheel- it would be "k" in this case. Continue to do this until you have all of the letters. It would spell "khoor".

Now, let's say that you are given the shift key and the word- use shift key of 3 and "khoor", for now- and you need to decrypt the word. You would do the same steps, as before, and turn the inner wheel 3 times, to the left. This time, you look at the letters on the inner wheel and write down their corresponding letters on the outer wheel: "k" would be "h". Continue this process and you will get "hello" again!

You now know how to encrypt and decrypt messages using the Caesar Cipher wheel!