Personal Project 1 | Page 15

Programmers are relevant in almost every industry. They are the people who actually write the code to certain things work. For example, whenever you look at police on TV or read about them in a book, you will have most likely have heard about facial recognition. That is actually controlled all by code, an algorithm especially, If I have a sketch of someone's face, I could use the program to find the picture of the fight person. This is achieved by telling the computer to narrow down the selection of images that have certain characteristics.

Almost every piece of technology that you

see today is controlled by code- which is

essentially a set of instructions that can

be written in many different ways. Even simple tasks, such as logging-on to a computer or using an online calculator requires intricate and detailed code. Coding can be done in many different "languages"- just how different cultures have different languages for communication. Some of the most well-known languages are Java, Python, Ruby, or HTML. Some of the differences between the languages are that have a different syntax and that certain ones are better for certain tasks, such as a language called Java Script is the mostly used for website development.

Did you know

that the first programming language was called FORTRAN and it was invented by a company

called IBM