Personal Money Service articles 13 Power Money Saving Articles + Bonus | Page 8

6 . Stock up on items on sale . When items you use on a regular basis , such as toilet paper , laundry detergent , or groceries you will use before they expire go on sale , stock up on them and save hundreds a year . Possibly , it will be even reasonable to get a short term loan from Personal Money Service ( and pay it off as soon as possible ) just to stock up on sale items .
7 . Size does matter . Don ’ t just buy the cheapest selection of an item , look at the price per pound or ounce as well . Make sure you are getting the most for your money .
8 . Use digital coupons . Many stores offer digital coupons that can either be printed out or added to a loyalty card .
9 . Sign up for that loyalty card . Many grocery stores offer loyalty cards . These cards allow customers to get extra savings , add digital coupons , and enjoy extra perks like discounts after purchasing a certain amount .
10 . Ask for rain checks . If a sale item has been sold out , ask the clerk for a rain check that allows you to get the item at the sale price when it is restocked .
11 . Visit your grocery store ’ s website . In addition to digital coupons that can be loaded onto your loyalty card , many stores offer other online deals that can only be accessed through their website , such as free items offered on specific days .
12 . Rotate items in your refrigerator and freezer . Many of us end up throwing about a fourth of what is in our refrigerators and freezers away because it has gone bad or is freezer burnt . Look through your refrigerator and freezer every so often and make sure items that need to be used first are in front . On the other hand , you can also learn how your freezer can help in this money saving process .
13 . Be a loner . The more people in your shopping party , the more likely you cart is to fill up with items you don ’ t need . This is especially true if the kids are along .
14 . Eat before you shop . If you ’ re hungry when you are grocery shopping , it stands to reason you will be tempted to buy more because everything sounds