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20 Ways to Save Hundreds on Groceries

Groceries can take a big bite out of your budget . For many , the amount spent on groceries each month is one of their highest expenses . However , if you shop wisely , you could save hundreds of dollars a year on your grocery bill .
Don ’ t let the grocery store bite off more than you can chew . These 20 shopping tips will help you hunt down the best deals , avoid tricks designed to get you to buy more , and prevent impulse buys . Do not be one of those 5 types of people who never have money .
1 . Keep a running inventory of what you have in stock . Knowing what you have in the freezer and pantry can help eliminate impulse buys that result from a last moment thought at the grocery store that you may not have that item .
2 . Plan meals according to what ’ s on sale . Before you make your grocery list , take a look at this week ’ s advertisements and sales papers . Look through any coupons you have as well . Develop a meal plan for the week according to the ads and coupons .
3 . Learn the layout of the store . Know where each item on your list is located and only visit those aisles . This eliminates the urge to add things not on your list while you browse the aisles .
4 . Reduce shopping trips . Plan your shopping list so that you only have to do your grocery shopping once a week or less . This helps save on gas and reduce impulse buys .
5 . Comparison shop . Make a list of the items you most commonly buy , such as bread , milk , and eggs . Compare prices at the stores in your area and discover which store has the lowest prices for your overall needs .