Personal Money Service articles 13 Power Money Saving Articles + Bonus | Page 9

good . The smells coming from the deli can also be a temptation when your belly is grumbling .
15 . Shop to your own beat . Studies have indicated that stores play music with a slow beat to slow customers down so they will spend more time in each aisle . If you can ’ t tune out the music , bring your own upbeat tunes !
16 . Use a smaller cart . If your store has a variety of shopping cart sizes , opt for the smallest . A larger cart only tempts you to buy more because it gives you the false impression that you haven ’ t put as much in the cart . Avoid the hand-held baskets , however . These small baskets make you more likely to buy a higher priced item or smaller impulse buys simply because they fit in the basket and are easier to carry .
17 . Search the shelves . Many companies pay to have their products placed on the shelf at eye level . Search the shelves for the best deal .
18 . Use the self check-out . If your store offers a self check-out aisle , use it . You are less likely to make last minute impulse buys if you are busy scanning your purchases instead of staring at the candy and other merchandise at the check-out aisle .
19 . Slice and dice . Packaged or single-serving products are often priced higher than the whole item . Buy the block cheese , the whole chicken , or the entire watermelon and do your own slicing . Buy freezer bags and containers to store what you may not use right away .
20 . If you use herbs , grow your own instead of buying the expensive bundles at the grocery store . Not only will they be fresher , you won ’ t waste any , and you can end up saving hundreds of dollars a year if you frequently use herbs in your cooking . You don ’ t need a garden to grow herbs . Simply place them near your kitchen window and keep them handy all year long . They will also make your kitchen smell wonderful !