PERREAULT Magazine JULY 2014 | Page 84

Cancer – Jupiter favors you of all signs as it is said that Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, therefore Jupiter always has a soft spot for you. This is the best year in twelve to improve your finance, find new talents you can focus on, especially those that came into light 12 years ago. You might receive recognition, awards, raises, promotions, and your values might expand to include new concepts. Overall, you will feel a higher sense of self-worth.

Leo – This is the best year for you in 12 years. Be careful not to take yourself too seriously and inflate your ego. Since Jupiter expands your house of body, take heed with your diet so as you do not literally expand and gain weight. That being said, rejoice, be happy, have fun, take risks, and entertain your fellow signs. Think of the next twelve months as your crowning year when you are anointed and can achieve success in all aspects of your life. People will see you in a positive light and you will find it easy to get things done.

Virgo – The Oracle of Delphi is with you and you are with her: 'know thyself.’ The lesson for Virgo this year is to explore the hidden realms, to embark on a mystical journey to the unknown, past lives. You might even be able to access memories and skills from former lives. You may dream prophetic dreams, meditate deeper than you ever did, become a great yogi and mystic. Your empathy level and intuition will rise as well. Lots of déjà vu as well as meeting with people from past lives or your past in this life.

Libra – This year you will find your contact list expanding, Facebook friends list growing, and you will become more popular. If you work in a corporation or government, you might have a promotion, a raise or a better position. If you need permits and acceptance from a large group of people or government, you will receive it effortlessly. This is a time to join a non-profit, to manifest your dreams and make your wishes a reality. Think teamwork=success. Since you are an air sign and Leo is a fire sign, Jupiter will ignite your thoughts and bring a great deal of action to your life. Door will open and shut quickly so you will have to be more like an action movie character than a romantic comedy or musical one…

Scorpio – This is a year of success in career and professional life. You will experience a career promotion or a new gained clarity about your path in life. You will find more ease with figures of authority and more people will recognize you for your gifts and hard work. This is a year of prizes, awards, higher status and medals. Since Leo is your “square” sign, you might be called to action or act in excessive manner, so think before you talk and look before your jump. Curb your enthusiasm and be realistic with your goals.

Sagittarius – Great time for higher-education and travel. You will find yourself traveling to new places, and having success with Multi-national Corporation as well as making friends with foreigners. Jupiter is the ruler of your sign and this year he wants you to have wonderful adventures. You will become a teacher, consultant and maybe meet people who can become mentors. Try to combine travel with learning, adventures with meaning. Optimism and luck, ability to “see” the future. Since Leo is a fellow fire sign, you will get the benefits promised to your Leo brothers and sisters.

Capricorn – What a year you are about to have! Jupiter will connect you to legacies and inheritances, bequests and help from the dead. Your partners will make more money and you will benefit from their success. A year of abundant sexuality, intimacy, investments and even a dive into metaphysics and the occult. Hidden things exposed, secrets revealed. You will become a wizard or a witch (in the good sense).This year you will feel more attractive and be able to heal sexual and intimate issues. You will find ease in investigation and reaching to the depth of a subject or an issue you need to resolve. You are becoming a shaman, let it go and dive into the dark side of the moon!

Aquarius – This is the year of relationship, marriage, forging business partnerships and success in legal affairs. You will also have a better time dealing with enemies or people who oppose you. This is also a great year to reconnect to significant others, create peace and corporation with others. Think “us” instead of “me” and you will thrive. A great year to embark on artistic pursuits, redesign your home or office and balance yourself. Since Leo is your opposite sign it will create some opposition in your life, so take heed of over commitments, or saying “yes” to too many projects and being over optimistic.

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